Monday, March 29, 2021

Me and My Health - Plantar Pasciitis ...

 Lama dah tak tulis tentang kesihatan saya. Last tulis ialah pada 29 Mac 2013. Lama sungguh tu.

Ini nak sambung tapi kena recap dulu.

1988 - i was diagnosed with SLE via skin biopsy dan blood test (ANF - negative) at GH. Got rashes on my forehead, Tak ada ubat makan yang diberi, cuma elak berjemur dan pakai sunblock sekurang-kurangnya 30 spf dan sapu krim betnovate kat tempat yang ada rashes.

In 2003, I experienced serious foot and knee pain. Early in the morning, I could hardly walk from the bed. The first few steps from the bed was very painful. It was like that too when I got up to walk after sitting down for some time. but after a few steps, okey dah. 

Payah jugak masa ni, terutamanya kalau pergi shopping sebab banyak berjalan. Bila banyak berjalan, tapak kaki terasa panas dan pedih. Kena duduk dan rehat sebentar. Bayangkan masa tu, anak-anak semua dah remaja dan ada seorang yang kecil. Pergi juga ke klinik. Doktor kata kena buat operation. Adui.

Baik juga masa tu tengah cuti belajar, buat PhD. So carilah doktor internet. Jumpa apa nama masalah yang saya hadapi ... plantar fasciitis. Macam mana tahu? Saya google pakai search word "pain few steps in the morning". 

This pain is usually worse first thing in the morning when they step out of bed or standing after long periods of sitting.

Antara nasihat yang diberi ialah;

To reduce the pain of plantar fasciitis, try these self-care tips:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight. Carrying extra weight can put extra stress on your plantar fascia.
  2. Choose supportive shoes. ...
  3. Don't wear worn-out athletic shoes. ...
  4. Change your sport. ...
  5. Apply ice. ...
  6. Stretch your arches.
Yang nombor 1 tu yang payah nak buat. Saya pilih nombor 6.

Saya buat Plantar Fascia Stretch

Step Stretch exercise for plantar fasciitis.  Approved use by


It helps to stretch both the calf muscles and the plantar fascia itself

Starting Position: Stand on a small step, letting the heel of the leg to be stretched hang off the back of the step

Action: Drop the heel down by bending the other knee until you feel a stretch in the back of your calf and the sole of your foot.

Repetition: Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 2x daily

الحمد للّه رب العالمين selepas enam bulan, masalah Platar fascia saya berkurang dan akhirnya pulih.


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