Friday, November 22, 2013

Me and my health

I am an SLE patient. Was diagnose for it via biopsy back in 1988. The doctor who diagnosed it said the most I could live would be 2 years. Wow ... at the age of 30, with 2 small girls aged 2 and 1, I was baffled. How ever, thank to Allah, alhamdulullah ... here I am.

Well, over the years, my SLE flair once a while but I never failed to go to the hospital for regular check up especially for my ESR. I was on sunscreen since diagnosed. Whenever the SLE flair, I will have some red spots on the face, and lots of hair fall. Sometimes, itchiness under the skin. I was never on medication then.

However, back in 2003, I experienced serious foot and knee pain. Early in the morning, I was hard for me to walk for the first few steps from the bed. It was like that too when I got up to walk after sitting down for some time.

In 2006, I had to step by step on the stairs. Going down is worse. I found it painful to bend my knee. I was only 48 then. I thought it was osteo ... I bore the pain ... thinking it was temporary and will go away. However, at the same time, I experienced heavy menstrual bleeding. I had to change almost every 2 or 3 hours. It goes on for almost 15 days. Then it will come back after 2 or 3 weeks. That is then I went to see my regular doctor. She scanned and found that there is something in my uterus. I was ...
got to go. Nanti sambung